Sunday, October 5, 2008

Stupid O.J.

I'm not talking about tropicana, I am talking about stupid O.J. Simpson. Did he ever hear of the saying "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me?" Obviously not, after he actually got away with murder, he goes and does something else stupid.

The Jurors said they all disagreed in his trial 13 years ago in which he was tried for killing his wife and got off. This time he was guilty with 12 charges of armed robbery and kidnapping. This ex-football player and now convict attempted to steal memorabilia he said was stolen from him.

My opinion: O.J. Simpson should already be in jail but its good he is now. Everyone who voted not guilty when O.J. did murder his wife should serve in a prison for 2 months because they are partially responsible for this crime. He should serve the rest of his life in prison and hopefully he does. How could someone so rich(Winona Ryder) try to steal when they can already have so many things others can't. Instead of stealing, how about donating like most honorable celebrities do? O.J. is officially an idiot.

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